Ten ways to whiten facial skin with milk bears at home

How to whiten the skin with bear milk – of course everyone wants to have white and clean skin. But not all people are gifts of white color since birth, because some people have a skin color sawo mateng until black. In addition to fate, skin color can also turn dark because it is too often exposed to sun and minimal treatment.

But you don't need to worry, because to be able to have a white skin color is not difficult because there is an easy way that you can do at home. Besides easy, this way is also quite cheap because the material you need is not expensive. Yes, you just need to prepare one can of milk bear or Bear Brend.

How to whiten your skin with milk bears at home

Milk bears are made not as a skin care but for consumption, but in the look of the content that is in it such as vitamin A, C, D, B2, B6, B12, mineral, calcium, selenium, magnesium, milk bear worthy to be used as a treatment product Skin. Here are some ways to whiten your facial skin with a milk bear that you can do at home:

1. Bear milk without mixture

How to whiten the facial skin with the first Milk bear is very easy, you only need to prepare a tin of milk bear and white cotton. How to use it is also very easy, first pour the milk of the bear into a container then input the cotton into the milk. After that, apply on the skin of the face until evenly and wait for 10 minutes then rinse with water.

2. Combination of bear and papaya milk

In addition to only pure bear milk, it is also a powerful way to make the skin of the papaya bear a more white one. This is because papaya fruit has a content that can make our skin become fresher and help the skin rejuvenation process for better.

To make the mask is also fairly easy and simple for you to make at home. How to prepare several pieces of fresh papaya fruit and one can bear milk. Puree the papaya fruit until the pulp then mix with the milk of the bears, stir until the ingredients are blended well. If you have applied the whole part of the skin until evenly, wait a while and clean with water as usual.

3. Combination of bear and avocado milk

In addition to papaya fruit, make a mask to whiten the skin can also be done by adding avocado. Certainly the efficacy of avocado for skin do not need to be more so because the fruit has a nutrient content that is good for facial skin.

In making the mask is still quite similar in the way that is above, where you only need to prepare ripe fresh avocado fruit and take the flesh of the fruit alone. After that puree and add the milk of the bear into it, if it resembles a pulp then the mask is ready for you to use. The way is still the same as above.

4. Combination of bear and Oatmeal milk

The way to whiten the next face is with a combination of oatmeal and milk bears. The combination of these two ingredients can produce a very potent mask to whiten the skin naturally. Because the content is in Oatmel able to cleanse dead skin cells on the skin of the face.

The step of making a mask from milk bears with oatmeal is very easy, you only need to prepare both types of materials. Once ready, pour the oatmeal into a container and mix with the pure bear milk. After being mixed, apply using cotton all over the face skin. Let stand 10 to 15 minutes then wipe with water.

5. Combination of milk bears with rice flour

Combining the milk bears with rice flour is also a potent way to make the skin whiter. This is because the flour is well-secured nutrient content for the skin and able to help rejuvenate the skin and cleanse the remnants of dead skin.

In making a baby bear mask with rice flour is also very easy, you just need to prepare 4-5 tablespoons of rice flour and mix it with bear milk. Stir the two ingredients until flat and try to blend into a thick not dilute. If you have swirl all over the face until evenly, wait for 10 minutes and then rinse with water until clean.

6. Combination of bear milk with coffee

Coffee can not only be used as a drink, but also we can use coffee powder as a scrub for facial skin. Because coffee has a slightly rough texture and is very suitable to cleanse the skin of dirt. For maximum, you can combine the bear milk with coffee.

The way of making a coffee mask with the bear milk is still the same as the above. You just need to prepare a few tablespoons of the coffee powder and add the milk bears into it. Once mixed with the flat then wipe all over the skin part of the face until evenly and wait for 15 minutes and rinse with clean water.

7. Combinations of milk bears with honey

Certainly the benefits of honey do not need to be more, besides good for health, honey is also very suitable to be used as a natural mask for facial skin. To get the most out of your results, you can mix it with bear milk.

The steps of the creation are the same as the above. First of all prepare one cup of pure honey and a can of milk bear. Pour the bear's milk into a jar after that pour honey into it while continuing to stir. After being mixed, apply the ingredients all over the skin part of the face until evenly and wait for 10 minutes.

8. Combination of bear milk with banana fruit

How to whiten the next facial skin is to combine it with banana fruit. Banana fruit is a complete nutrient content besides good for health and pregnant mothers, banana is also good to serve as a face mask. Because the content in the banana fruit able maintain or protect the skin from UV attack.

To make the mask you have to prepare some ripe banana fruit and peel and cut into pieces. After that puree the banana fruit with a blender that has been mixed with the milk bear. If you have applied all the skin part of the face until evenly and wait for 20 minutes then wipe with water.

9. Combination of bear milk with turmeric

Turmeric is one of the spices that has a very complete nutrient content, besides good for health, the nutritional content of turmeric is also good for maintaining skin health. This is because turmeric has a fairly good antioxidant content to treat facial skin and is very safe to serve as a natural face mask.

First prepare some of the turmeric segments that have been cleaned, after which they are stingy until smooth. To make it simpler you can also use turmeric powder as a substitute. Afterwards mix the turmeric with the milk of the bear until well blended. After that, apply a whole part of the skin and let stand for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water until clean.

10. Combinations of milk bears with cucumber

How to whiten the skin naturally with the last milk bear is to combine it with a cucumber. Cucumber is one of the fruits that has long been known to its benefits as a natural mask for the face. But the result can be more maximal you can combine cucumber along with bear milk.

The first step in making the mask is to prepare some fresh cucumber fruit and one can of milk bear. Puree the cucumber until it becomes like a pulp and add the milk of the bears while stirring until evenly. Once ready, apply it directly to all parts of the face and wait for 15 minutes. If it is cleaned with water or can also with facial soap.

It is necessary to remember also if the use of natural materials as above as skin care masks will not be able to directly visible results during first use but the result will be seen also you wear it regularly. Because natural ingredients it takes a longer time to compare skin treatments in salons that can instantly look the results. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.